Shark Attack for Chicisimo: Interview

Hi everyone!

A while ago, Maria from Chicisimo emailed me with the question
if I would like to do an interview for Chicisimo.
(Thanks again, Maria!)

I've been on Chicisimo for a while now, and I love the concept.
You can upload your own outfits,
but you can also have a look at outfits from girls all over the world.
It's a nice way to get inspired, or to discover new blogs.
Be sure to pay a visit!

When I got the email,
I must admit that I didn't know what to expect.
I've never done anything like this before, which you can probably tell from watching the interview.
I was so nervous!

Also, I live in an area where we get laughed at the way we talk.
People from other parts of Belgium always say we talk slow,
and that we 'sing' while we talk.
Now that I've heard myself on video, I can only say that they are right! :D

I've been studying all day now, and this is a great surprise to light up my day!
That's the reason why I didn't upload any outfits the last few days.
I'm busy with studying and school every day now. :(
My exams are over soon, and then, like The Terminator used to say:
I'll be back!

P.S.: I would like to thank my sister and my brother-in-law for
helping me do this interview / video.
You guys are the best!

P.P.S: To watch the video on Chicisimo, click here.
There are some questions that I answered by email,
and the answers are up there too!


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