Shark Attack Loves... // Dita Von Teese & Cointreau

Let me introduce you a collaboration that makes my heart go boom boom boom: Dita Von Teese & Cointreau.

I've been a fan of Dita ever since I saw her perform a burlesque act in a giant champagne glass. After that, she married one of my high school idols: Marilyn Manson. I still love the shock rocker and his music, but I'm not that obsessed about him as I used to be. Oh, and did I mention that I'm absolutely jealous of Dita's make-up, which always seems to be flawless? Eye liner and red lipstick are her signature look, which happens to be my all time favorite too. Just holla at my Instragram (@Krizia_S), lol. 

Anyway, Miss Von Teese and Cointreau - the yummy orange-flavoured liqueur - teamed up for a project called: My Cointreau Evening Bag. Dita wanted to design a bag which holds all kind of secrets and surprises and she nailed it head on. The bag contains a bottle of Cointreau (obviously), three different kind of spices (to spice up your cocktail, of course), a powder box (which actually is a tea box), a spoon (with a vintage look to it), a 'jigger' (a glass to measure the right amounts of ingredients) and last but not least: a secret book of recipes which contains all of Dita's best cocktails and how to create them.

Oh, and did I mention that you can remove all of the parts inside, so that you can carry Dita's design as an actual bag? Now, since I've been a verrry good girl this year, I'm secretly hoping that Santa Claus will think of me and Miss Von Teese. 

If you've been a bad girl or if you just want to gift yourself something pretty, you can go to Smets Premium Store (Brussels), Baby Beluga (Antwerp) or Eva Bos (Ghent) to purchase one of these beauties.

Click below to see more pics of the stunning Dita Von Teese and her pretty Cointreau Evening Bag.



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